Abigoliah Schamaun Fringe Guide.jpg

Abigoliah Schamaun

Comedian, Yogi, Whiskey Enthusiast. 

15) "Live as your best self in the moment..."-Allison Schamaun

15) "Live as your best self in the moment..."-Allison Schamaun

Allison Schamaun is getting her Masters in Art Therapy at Southwestern College. She also happens to be my little sister! We talked about how she came into art therapy, drug therapy and its pros and cons, and last but not least our childhood.

To get in touch with Allison email her at apschamaun@gmail.com
To check out her University and get more information on art therapy go to: www.swc.edu

Join the Namaste Bitches Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/829654437119369/

16) "Take more time for yourself than you think you need."- Steph Gaudreu

16) "Take more time for yourself than you think you need."- Steph Gaudreu

14) "Learning is important. But big muscles are importanter." - Ben Crooks

14) "Learning is important. But big muscles are importanter." - Ben Crooks