Doors: 6:30pm
Show: 6:45pm
What’s the point in pursuing enlightenment when you could just put your feet up and knock back a bourbon? And what passes for happiness these days? Abigoliah is a certified Bikram Yoga instructor; she’s run marathons and
Tough Mudders, participated in Crossfit competitions… Why would she bother when you’re just as likely to find those sweet endorphins at the bottom of a pint glass? She dissects mankind’s relationship with wellness and happiness; a show for anyone who’s paused on a treadmill or over a shot glass and wondered ‘wait… what am I doing?’
Praise for Namaste, Bitches:
★★★★ “Confident, assured and brilliantly funny with a knack for a turn of phrase that turns the simplest comment into a solid laugh”- Broadway Baby
★★★★ “From this point on she could sit in silence and still receive a standing ovation.” – The Wee Review
★★★★ “It’s a genuinely quirky, unpredictable hour, with delightfully warm and natural audience interaction.”-Bouquets & Brickbats
★★★★ “Abigoliah Schamaun hits the ground running”- The Fountain
★★★★ “Namaste Bitches was a thoroughly entertaining, surprising and well executed show.” –Lady Parts
★★★★ “It really was a laugh a minute, like clockwork.”- London Pub Theatres